📄️ Create a Softbody
A Softbody is squishy body created from an image. This tutorial is also available in the GitHub repo as a sample samples/softbody2d/create-a-softbody.
📄️ Move a Softbody
In order to move the Softbody by keys, you can attach it to a CharacterBody2D node. This tutorial is also available in the GitHub repo as a sample samples/softbody2d/attach-to-character-controller.
📄️ Move a Softbody Car
A Car Softbody is formed of 2 Softbodies that act as the wheels, and a Softbody for the car frame that connects the two with 2 Pin Joints with Motor. This tutorial is also available in the GitHub repo as a sample samples/softbody2d/car-demo.