Each shape of the softbody has as parent a rigidbody. The actual hierarchy inside the node is as follows:
- RigidBody2D: contains
- CollisionShape2D
- Joint2D
Rigidbodies properties
The RigidBody parameter section contains options to change properties of the rigidbody. All options are per every rigidbody:
- Mass: Makes the softbody heavier by changing the mass of every rigidbody. Make sure to also update the joint properties, otherwise the softbody will collapse in itself.
- Gravity Scale: Controls the gravity scale of every rigidbody.
- Constant Force: Controls the constant force of every rigidbody.
- Constant Torque: Controls the constant torque of every rigidbody.
- Collision Layer: Controls the collision layer of every rigidbody.
- Collision Mask: Controls the collision mask of every rigidbody.
- Physics Material Override: Controls the material override property of every rigidbody. Use this to make the softbody slippery or bouncy.
- Rigibody Scene: A scene with a PhysicsBody2D node that will be reused as the rigidbody to create. This is useful if you want to add a custom script on the rigidbodies created.